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Medical Tablet

In addressing the pain and associated symptoms of neuropathy, Dr. Ramirez's initial recommendations may include medications and physical therapy. If these measures prove insufficient in managing your pain, she may suggest the utilization of minimally invasive nerve blocks.

Nerve blocks involve the precise injection of corticosteroids and a numbing agent into areas of your body where nerve damage is causing discomfort. Dr. Ramirez offers various types of nerve blocks tailored to alleviate neuropathy-related pain in different regions, including:

1. Face and neck
2. Arms and legs
3. Pelvis and knees
4. Shoulders and chest

The medications administered during a nerve block effectively disrupt the transmission of pain signals to your brain, providing enduring relief. Additionally, corticosteroids play a crucial role in reducing inflammation, which is a contributing factor to both pain and restricted range of motion.

For precise injection placement, Dr. Ramirez employs fluoroscopy technology, specialized real-time X-ray imaging, to guide the needle with accuracy.

It's important to note that the full effects of the nerve block may take several days to become apparent. Following the procedure, you can anticipate a day of rest, with the ability to resume your usual activities within 24 hours, excluding strenuous exercise.

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