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Image by Mat Napo

Regenerative medicine represents a burgeoning field focused on harnessing the body's inherent capacity to produce new cells and facilitate self-repair.

Numerous painful conditions stem from injuries to muscles, bones, and connective tissues within the body. Regenerative medicine endeavors to stimulate the body's healing response, addressing the fundamental source of pain.

Premier Pain and Wellness offers both stem cell therapy and PRP injections:

1. Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cells possess a remarkable ability to transform into the specific cell types required for the body's self-repair processes. These stem cells are naturally present in every individual. Depending on your particular condition, Dr. Patel may either source stem cells from your own body or employ donor cells. During stem cell therapy, she introduces stem cells into the injured tissue, providing your body with the necessary cellular components to promote self-healing.

2. PRP Therapy (Platelet-Rich Plasma)
Platelets, typically recognized for their role in blood clotting, are also rich in growth factors and proteins essential for the body's regenerative processes. PRP therapy entails the isolation of a blood sample, which is then processed to create a serum containing 5-10 times the usual platelet concentration. When Dr. Patel administers the PRP serum into the injured tissue, it stimulates the body's innate healing response, while simultaneously delivering the growth factors and proteins vital for self-repair.

These regenerative therapies represent a promising approach to address the root causes of pain and promote the body's natural ability to heal and regenerate.

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